


Tonight, we are gathered in order to remember. We are gathered to remember 390 people whom we know to have died this year, and countless others who have suffered and died at the hands of violent individuals and cultures. We remember them tonight in a mass, the very centre of memory in our Christian tradition, a people who remember Jesus who suffered, died, and rose again.

What is a Saint?

What is a Saint?

The Hebrew word for saint is קדש, in Greek, ἁγιος, and in Latin sanctus. When these words appear in the Bible we usually translate them “holy”, so a saint is really just a holy person.



Last night, I was speaking to my friend about this sermon and about the ascension, and she told me that it made her think of fireworks. A crowd gathers to watch as Christ ascends until he is hidden from view, and they all remain staring at the sky, waiting for that spectacular moment where sound and light pierce the darkness.

Wonderfully Weird

Wonderfully Weird

If I have learned one thing since coming to St. Margaret’s, it is how gloriously wonderful and holy it is to be weird.



As the name of this website might suggest, I’m having a bit of a hard year.
If I had been given these readings and this day to preach on a few years ago, I would have said something quite different, something nicer perhaps, but something a little superficial. I speak today, fully aware that I might, in a year, look back on this, having grown further, and cringe at some other undeveloped part of my sermon, but I offer this to the church as some reflections on w

Blessing and Woe

Blessing and Woe

Woe to us”, says Jesus. A difficult start to a sermon, but one that seems to be necessary. We are the rich, full, laughing ones to whom Jesus says woe. You’re either hearing this over Zoom or reading it on my blog, which drastically increases your odds of being —globally speaking— rich, full, and happy. So, Jesus says emphatically, woe to you.

The Rich Fool

The Rich Fool

I’m scared.
We live in a scary time and in a scary place, and I’m scared.