
The Salvation of Satan?

The Salvation of Satan?

Today, on the feast of St. Michael and All Angels, we read one of the two passages in the Bible that mentions St. Michael and some angels. He is in heaven, at war with the dragon, and he fights with his angels. But this isn’t the feast of St. Michael and Some Angels, or St. Michael and His Angels. It is the feast of St. Michael and All Angels. The dragon has his angels too. Are we celebrating those as well?

The Hour at Cana

The Hour at Cana

When I’m at weddings, I often find myself sat with a critical eye.
I think to myself, “Oh, I wouldn’t dress the bridesmaids like that.

St. Thomas the Emo

St. Thomas the Emo

I was very pleased when Charlie picked the second service of Thomas the Apostle, not least because the gospel reading features my name, but because it’s a story that I know very well and one that’s important to me. Indeed, this is the story that my mother named me after, so I’m really pleased to get to share with you some of the content of this wonderful story.

Like Us

Like Us

In the shop where I work, we sell nativity sets. As a few customers have pointed out to me, we sell exclusively nativity sets where the baby Jesus is white.



“The eucharist is not a prize for the perfect, but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the sick.” – Pope Francis (Evangelii Gaudium)



Throughout this time, I’ve found it easier and easier to think about God as my mother. Early on, when I could hardly hear God speak, Charlie prayed for me and received the prophetic image of me as a tiny point of righteous anger curled in on itself, as a baby kicking and screaming too hard and not staying still enough to feel loved, and of God around me: holding and enclosing me, and encouraging me to unravel so that I could feel her holding me, so that I could feel anything other than the white hot rage that I had curled in on.



A real death is the way to a real resurrection.

Death is absolutely terrifying. As modern neuroscientists have pointed out, there is no conceivable mechanism by which our consciousness might leave our body in tact when we die. Humans are not born with an immortal soul. Most likely, death is total oblivion, and if that doesn’t scare you then I don’t know what to say to you.